West Marlborough Township

Township Information and Documents


(610) 383-5986


1300 Doe Run Rd
Coatesville, PA 19320

Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 8AM-12PM


About Us

West Marlborough Township is located in Chester County in Southeastern, PA. Click links to learn more.

Township Stats
  • Current population: 874
  • Current Assessed Valuation: $74,923,620
  • Municipal Real Estate Millage Rate: 2 Mils as of 1/1/2020
  • Earned Income Tax:
    0.75% as of 2/1/2020
  • Real Estate Transfer Tax:
    1% divided with School District
  • State Roads: 20.72 miles
  • Municipal Roads: 23.69 miles
  • School District:
    Unionville-Chadds Ford

Boards and Commission


Chairman: William W. Wylie
Vice Chairman: Jacob G. Chalfin
Supervisor: Emery Jones Taylor

Planning Commission

Chair: Tom Brosius

Vice Chair: Thomas D. Roosevelt

Secretary: Gwilym J. Attwell

Richard Corkran

Roy Jackson

Amy Ruth Borun

Nancy Swayne


Zoning Hearing Board

Chairman: Clayton Bright

Rush Fisher

Josh Taylor

Wayne Grafton

Joe Huston

Solicitor: Fronefield Crawford, Jr.


Chair: Christina F. Powell

Secretary: Dorothy L. Shaw

Auditor: Douglas W. Myers


Meetings are typically held on the 1st Tuesday of the month in the township garage. The Planning Commission meets at 7PM and the Supervisors meet immediately following.

Community news

CCHD Flu Vaccine Clinic



Route 82 Bridge Construction Information


Zoning Hearing Board Meeting 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the West Marlborough Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at the West Marlborough Township Municipal Garage Building, 1300 Doe Run Road, Coatesville (Village of Doe Run), PA, 19320, to discuss and render a decision in the Appeal of John Paul Primiano from the determination of the Township Zoning Officer that Mr. Primiano is in violation of various provisions of the Township Zoning Ordinance and/or in the alternative, the grant of variances, with respect to his property located at 249 Clonmell Upland Road (identified as UPI 48-7-27).  

          The meeting will be held in person but will also be via Zoom – anyone wishing to receive the link to attend by Zoom should contact Hugh Lofting, II at hugh2lofting@gmail.com

            Anyone with a disability requiring a special accommodation to attend the meeting should notify Township Secretary, Elliot Blake at 610-383-5986.  The Township will make every effort to provide a reasonable accommodation.

                                                                      Fronefield Crawford, Jr., Esquire

                                                                      Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor